Chicago Deep Dish Pizza Has Come to Ottawa!

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza Has Come to Ottawa!

This past weekend my brother caught wind of a new pizza place in Ottawa that offers true Chicago style deep dish pizza. The name of this establishment is Made in Chicago Pizza.

The shops owner Mohamad Lotf immigrated to Canada in 1992 and opened various pizza shops throughout his time in Canada and although his shops were successful, Mohamad always felt as though the Ottawa area pizza shops were missing a unique quality that sets them apart from one another. Enter Made in Chicago Pizza. Mohamads unique Chicago Deep Dish pizza restaurant.

Made in Chicago Pizza has had a pheonemenal reception here in Ottawa, and Mohamad could not be more pleased with how the community has received them.

First let’s talk about the sauce. Made in Chicago Pizza has some of the best tasting pizza sauce I have ever experienced in Ottawa and abroad! It’s nice and tangy with just the right amount of sweetness to it, that keeps your mouth happy bite after delicious bite! Our particular order was a very simple large bacon and pepperoni pizza. The images below do not do this pizza justice!

Made in Chicago deep dish pizza is the real deal. A large pizza had the weight of a small baby! The look is deceiving. There is a ton of cheese, sauce, and toppings jammed into this little delightful pizza box.

Keeping in mind that this was the soft launch of their business and I don’t think they could have anticipated just how many people in Ottawa wanted an authentic Chicago style deep dish pizza to slam into their faces, but Ottawa responded with a massive amount of business in one day. They had orders piled up but somehow still managed to get all the pizzas out with a very acceptable wait time.

This pizza is prepared with care, and offers a tremendous value even over traditional pizza places here in Ottawa. A large bacon and pepperoni pizza is going to run you $33.00 + taxes, but believe me it’s worth every penny and you certainly get your moneys worth.

Made in Chicago Pizza offers an incredible product, a fair price, and the service was fantastic! If you’ve had Chicago style deep dish pizza, this is a great spot. If you haven’t had Chicago style deep dish pizza, you definitely need to check out Made in Chicago Pizza. You won’t regret it!

For More Information you can visit them online or in person at 1481B Innes Road Ottawa, ON K1B1C5.